SF Seal

SF Open Source Voting TAC

Official site of the San Francisco Open Source Voting System Technical Advisory Committee (OSVTAC)

The new Los Angeles County voting system, VSAP, was recently tested and certified by the California Secretary of State. The testing and certification documents seem to be the only publicly provided documentation on the software and system architecture. The testing reports also bring up some issues found, and there is a response from the counties and analysis by the Secretary of State Staff.

The certification documents for VSAP also illuminate the process of certification, and reference the California Voting Standards Document. These are relevant for any open source voting system to be used in California.

Main Sites

The standards document is a detailed specification of the requirements for voting systems used in California. The reports of testing procedures reference sections in this document.

Significant Test Reports

The following certification documents are significant for understanding VSAP architecture and the issues found in testing, and the testing process itself:

Other reports are of interest in understanding testing for usability, accessible voting, and load testing as is relates to requirements:

Lawsuit on Usability

There is a lawsuit against LA County for a usability issue in VSAP– the candidate selection screen can only show 4 candidates, and the plaintiffs claim people might not see and vote for candidates on subsequent pages.