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SF Open Source Voting TAC

Official site of the San Francisco Open Source Voting System Technical Advisory Committee (OSVTAC)

Open Source Voting System Project Recommendations

(Approved by OSVTAC on March 14, 2019.)

Last posted: June 9, 2019

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For copyright and attribution information for this work, see this section. The source files for the text can be found on GitHub here.

5. Components

This section provides one possible way of dividing a “generic” optical-scan paper-ballot voting system into components or modules. This can be used as the starting point for an agile development plan (e.g. incremental implementation, modular contracting, etc).

5.1. Component Listing

This subsection contains the listing of components without detail. Caveats are discussed after. More detailed descriptions of each component are in the subsections that follow.


  1. Accessible Ballot-Marking Device
  2. Central Ballot Scanner
  3. Precinct Ballot Scanner
  4. Standard laptop or desktop computers


  1. Voting System Database / Management
  2. Ballot Batch Management
  3. EIMS® Integration
  4. Ballot Layout Creator
  5. Ballot Layout Encoder
  6. Accessible Ballot-Marking Device Software
  7. Ballot Picture Interpreter
  8. Scanner Device Drivers (one for precinct and one for central)
  9. Central Ballot Scanner Software
  10. Precinct Ballot Scanner Software
  11. Vote Totaler
  12. Results Reporter
  13. Ballot Tabulation Audit Support

The lists above are not rigorous or exhaustive. Rather, they are meant for discussion purposes and to provide a sense of what functionalities are needed and how they are divided up, etc.

For simplicity, we assume that the voting system uses pre-printed ballots, as opposed to being a ballot on-demand system. We also assume that in-precinct voters are allowed to mark their ballot with a pen, as opposed to being required to interact with an electronic device. Finally, we assume the voting system includes a precinct tally, which means the system tallies the in-precinct ballots at the precinct.

The assumptions above are only for the purposes of the example illustration in this section. They were made partly because they reflect how San Francisco’s voting system works today. However, they should not be construed in any way as recommendations of the Committee or to constrain the type of voting system that San Francisco should develop. See the “Key Decisions” section below for how this list of components could change depending on certain choices.

The components in this particular list are not necessarily independent. They may overlap or contain one another. For example, the precinct ballot scanner hardware component contains a scanner device driver, the ballot picture interpreter, and the high-level scanner software components.

Finally, note that there are many possible ways to divide a given voting system into components. For example, the granularity at which one views the system affects the number of components. We chose a mid-level granularity for this list. This lets us show how some software components are used in more than one hardware component. Differences can also result from where the “boundaries” are drawn between components (e.g. what functionalities one assigns to different components).

5.2. Component Details

This section lists more details about each of the four components we suggested above. For each of these deliverables, we provide—

5.2.1. Hardware Component Details

Each of the hardware components below also needs software to function. In most cases, we list this software in the “Software Components” section. Accessible Ballot-Marking Device

A device used in polling places that lets people with disabilities vote independently. It supports different accessible interfaces like audio, sip-and-puff, etc. If the computer is COTS, it may also need a custom casing or shell to increase durability and assist with polling-place transport and setup.

For a Remote Accessible Vote By Mail system (required by 2020), the hardware used would likely be the voter’s personal electronic device and printer.

[Item edited: Jan. 18, 2018 meeting.] Central Ballot Scanner

A device responsible for high-speed, high-volume ballot scanning (e.g. for vote-by-mail ballots). The scanning with these machines is done in a controlled environment under staff supervision.

Complexity: High

Description. This is a hardware component responsible for high-speed, high-volume ballot scanning in a controlled environment under staff supervision (e.g. vote-by-mail ballots). It should be capable of (1) exporting CVR’s and digital pictures of the ballots it scans, (2) “out-stacking” ballots that require manual inspection or handling, and (3) possibly printing unique identifiers on each ballot when scanning to support the auditing of individual ballots.

Interfaces / data formats.


Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. Real data from past elections for prototyping and testing. Samples of ballots from past elections and/or the interim voting system. Precinct Ballot Scanner

A device used in polling places to scan and tabulate ballots cast in person. It has features like returning the ballot to the voter for possible correction if the ballot contains an overvote. Similar to the accessible device, this device may also need a custom casing or shell for durability and to facilitate polling-place use. Standard laptop or desktop computers

Standard computers will also be needed for administrative tasks like ballot layout, adjudicating digital pictures of ballots, aggregating and totaling votes, and generating results reports.

5.2.2. Software Component Details Voting System Database / Management

Central store (e.g. file system and/or database) and software application providing access to the voting-system information needed to conduct an election. This can include things like contest and ballot definitions, digital ballot pictures, cast vote records, and election results.

A management interface can let staff perform tasks like importing and exporting data in open data formats, adjudicating ballots that require manual inspection (e.g. ballots with write-in candidates or borderline marks)—but from the digital ballot picture rather than from the physical paper—and performing other functions needed during the canvass. This software could perhaps also provide an interface to running other software components and functions like the EIMS integration, tabulation, and results reporting. Ballot Batch Management

Complexity: Low

Description. This is a software component that allows boxes of ballots to be organized into batches for scanning and auditing. Labels may be printed to be attached to ballot boxes collected, transported, and stored. Batches of ballots might include a scannable header page, marking the beginning of a batch of ballots, and a scannable footer page, marking the end of the batch. The header/footer pages mark the consolidated precinct and other information identifying the ballot batch, and might also include signatures from poll workers, and digital audit information, e.g. IDs, temporary digital signatures and keys, starting and ending hash chain codes from a precinct scanner. An additional header/footer page might be created to wrap and identify outstacked ballots.

The batch management system would be used to:

Interfaces / data formats. Needs to accept as input:

Needs to output:

Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input and output data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. Batch management procedures need to be defined so batch IDs can be included with the Ballot Picture Interpreter output CVRs and used with the Vote Totaler.

[Subsection added: Jan. 18, 2018 meeting.] EIMS® Integration

This component is responsible for interfacing with the Department’s EIMS® software. It pulls or takes election definition information exported from EIMS and imports it into the voting system database. This information can include things like what offices and candidates are on the ballot, and in what precincts, districts, and ballot styles, etc. Ballot Layout Creator

This is a software application that lets staff generate paper-ballot layouts from the election definition for each ballot type in automated or semi-automated fashion, including support for multiple languages. Ballot Layout Encoder

Complexity: Medium

Description. This is a software component to let one “reverse engineer” structured ballot layout data from existing paper ballots from another vendor. This component may be needed during a possible interim phase in which open source components are used for scanning and interpreting ballots that are generated by a different vendor (i.e. the City’s vendor during the time when the open source system is being developed). This component will be needed if that vendor is not able to provide structured ballot layout data along with the paper ballots. It is likely that this component will not be completely automated, but rather will be semi-automated.

Interfaces / data formats. Needs to accept as input:

Needs to output for each ballot type:

Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input and output data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. Real data from past elections for prototyping and testing. Samples of ballots from past elections and/or the interim voting system.

[Section added: Dec. 14, 2017 meeting.] Accessible Ballot-Marking Device Software

This is the software corresponding to the Accessible Ballot-Marking Device hardware component.

A Remote Accessible Vote By Mail system would likely rely on a reasonably updated web browser rather than requiring installation of OS-specific software installation. Text to speech capabilities could be either the voter’s own accessibility software or a web browser component provided with the ballot.

[Item edited: Jan. 18, 2018 meeting.] Ballot Picture Interpreter

This is a software library responsible for interpreting digital ballot pictures. It generates a cast vote record (CVR) from a digital picture of a ballot. This software component could potentially be used in all of the precinct scanners, the central scanners, and a software-only ballot adjudication application.

Complexity: Medium

Description. This is a software-only component responsible for interpreting digital ballot pictures, namely by generating a cast vote record (CVR) given a digital picture of a ballot. The component must support ballots from “third-parties” (e.g. the interim voting system) to support incremental roll-outs like pilot and hybrid rollouts, and possibly to support home-printed “remote accessible vote by mail” ballots. The open source software OpenCount developed at UC Berkeley could be a foundation for this.

The picture interpreter should be able to identify and remove the base printing and watermarks so any remaining extraneous marks can be identified. The presence of a significant amount of extraneous marks might require that ballot be identified for adjudication. Likewise, marks clearly not present or not fully marked must be identified for adjudication.

[Paragraph added: Jan. 18, 2018 meeting.]

Applicability. This component can possibly be used in the following components:

Interfaces / data formats. Needs to accept as input:

Needs to output for each ballot:

Sub-components. This component can possibly have the following sub-component:

Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. Real data from past elections for prototyping and testing. Scanner Device Drivers (one for precinct and one for central)

This is low-level software needed on both precinct and central ballot scanners that provides a software API to the basic hardware functionality of a ballot scanner (e.g. out-stacking a ballot, returning a ballot, advancing a ballot, etc.). This might come with COTS hardware. Separate versions are likely needed for the precinct and central scanners. Central Ballot Scanner Software

This is high-level software controlling the central ballot scanner. It interacts with the scanner device driver and ballot picture interpreter components and is responsible for things like scanning and storing digital ballot pictures, detecting the ballot layout, interpreting and tabulating ballot markings, controlling the scanner in response to the markings on a ballot, and exporting ballot data after scanning is complete. Precinct Ballot Scanner Software

This component is similar to the central ballot scanner software component above and can likely share much software with it. However, it’s different because it is for the case of an individual voter rather than for high-volume scanning. For example, unlike the central ballot scanner, this software will need to support returning a ballot back to the voter in the case of errors like an overvote. For the central scanner, such ballots might simply be outstacked. Vote Totaler

Aggregates and counts all vote totals and generates the results in an open data format. Includes the RCV tabulation algorithm.

Complexity: Low

Description. This is a software-only component responsible for aggregating vote data and generating election results in a machine-readable format. This includes running the RCV algorithm to generate round-by-round results. Normally votes have subtotals reported by consolidated precinct, and may separate election-day precinct voting and vote-by-mail ballot subtotals.

[Paragraph edited: Jan. 18, 2018 meeting.]

Interfaces / data formats. Needs to accept as input:


Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. Real data from past elections for prototyping and testing. Results Reporter

Generates human-readable results reports from the results data from the vote totaler (e.g. printable results and results posted on the Department website).

Complexity: Low

Description. This is a software-only component responsible for generating human-readable reports in various formats from structured results data.

Interfaces / data formats. Needs to accept as input:

Sub-components. The reporter should be able to generate:

Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. Real data from past elections for prototyping and testing. Ballot Tabulation Audit Support

Complexity: Medium

Description. This is a software component that manages an audit process that includes a manual count. A precinct-based audit might be performed, where all ballots in randomly selected precincts are hand-counted, or a RLA (Risk Limiting Audit) might be performed, where a randomly selected set of ballots among all precincts are selected for a hand-count. The number of ballot selected in an RLA is based on a statistical formula depending on the closeness of votes between top contenders.

More general election auditing (like chain of custody) is outside the scope of this component.

Audit support software could include the following:

Interfaces / data formats. Needs to accept as input:

Needs to output:

Other outcomes / deliverables. The required input and output data and formats should be spelled out.

Possible dependencies / pre-requisites. If an RLA audit is performed and stored ballots might not match ordered CVRs, then the central ballot scan and picture interpreter would be required to perform an electronic recount of all ballots and generate matching CVRs. If the picture interpreter can run at the speed of the scanner, regenerating CVRs (for an electronic recount) adds no extra cost.

[Subsection added: Jan. 18, 2018 meeting.]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For copyright and attribution information for this work, see this section. The source files for the text can be found on GitHub here.